Support Friends of Lake Sonoma

There are multiple ways YOU can make a difference and support the Friends of Lake Sonoma!

Direct Financial Donations

Donations to Friends of Lake Sonoma are tax deductible.  All money donated goes directly to support park projects, free of Federal intervention.  This helps us keep the Milt Brandt Visitors Center and Congressman Don Clausen Fish Hatchery open to public access, as well as build, maintain and improve new and existing park facilties to enhance the visitor experience. 

Donations should be mailed to Friends of Lake Sonoma, 3288 Skaggs Springs Road, Geyserville, CA  95441.

Weddings, Festivals, Events and Venue Rental Fees

If you are holding an event at Lake Sonoma, you have the option of having your venue rental fees donated to the Friends of Lake Sonoma by naming us as a sponsor of your event. Simply make the request at the time you book your event with the park rangers. 

There are several benefits.  You or your organization can get a tax deduction for the donation, the fees will go directly back to the park to support park maintenance and you will have made an important contribution to keeping Lake Sonoma open!


In-Kind Donations

The Friends of Lake Sonoma happily accepts in-kind donations that help us keep the park open and operating.  While some of the in-kind donations might sound mundane, they are greatly appreciated!  Examples include:

Motor Oil                Black Graphite Grease                        Antifreeze

Oil Filters               Latex Gloves                                     Fuel Filters

Concrete                Garbage Cans with Lids                      Sony xr260 camcorder

Power Director 10 Deluxe Video Editing Software                Hand Cleaner

To make an in-kind donation, contact us at We will be able to provide further information as to size, weight, model number, etc., of supplies that are needed. 


Volunteer Your Time

As Federal budgets continue to shrink, the need for volunteers grows!  We need trained volunteers to help with fish hatchery tours and serve as hosts at the Milt Brandt Visitors Center.  We also need assistance with trash collection and trail maintenance.  We're happy to enlist the help of individuals -- or other organizations seeking fulfilling community service projects. Please contact us at





Host an Event at Lake Sonoma!


Looking for a unique and picturesque spot for your wedding?  Contact the Friends of Lake Sonoma.  We have several special spots throughout the park that can handle anywhere from 10 to 250 guests -- and have set up package deals with other vendors that make wedding planning easier and less expensive. Plus, a portion of your costs are tax deductible as a donation to Friends of Lake Sonoma! Contact us at or check out our special "Weddings" page on this website.


Fishing Tournaments

Lake Sonoma is the perfect site for bass tournaments and other fishing competitions. Cast your line our way and designate your rental fees as a donation to Friends of Lake Sonoma.  Just let the park ranger know when you make arrangements for your tournament.



The Friends of Lake Sonoma sponsors hunts (archery and crossbow only) to help control the wild pig and deer populations at Lake Sonoma. Fees associated with the hunts are funneled back into the park for maintenance and improvements. Please check out our special hunting page on this website for more information.



By foot or mountain bike, Lake Sonoma has pristine trails for racing competitions. Designate Friends of Lake Sonoma as a sponsor of your event, and your venue fees will go directly to us -- and right back into the park.


Family/Business Gatherings

Lake Sonoma is the perfect spot for family reunions and business outings.  We have several picnic areas that can host hundreds! Donate your venue rental fees to Friends of Lake Sonoma.

Board of Directors

Skip Brand, chairman

Rick Herbert, vice chairman

Brent Swinth,  treasurer

Nikki Baxes, secretary


Directors: Dora Azevedo, Joe Brandt, Carl Bowers, Miguel Crawford, Jayson Collard, Marci Cook, Dan Horn, Hailey Norman, Marshall Turbeville, Alyson White, Jim Wilmes and Burrell Wyle.


Directors Emeritus:  Gordon Amrein, Harry Bosworth, Linda Clapp, Paul Finn, Dave Harmeson, Donna Meier, Tony Pettis, Phil Pinto, Arnold Santucci, Ken Screechfield, Richard Thomas, Kasey Wade

Tax Status

The Friends of Lake Sonoma is recognized as a non-profit cooperative association under section 501 (c) 3 of the United State Internal Revenue Service tax code.  Our tax identification number is 94-2260679.  We operate on a fiscal year from January 1 to December 31.  Monetary and in-kind donations to the Friends of Lake Sonoma are considered to be tax deductible, unless limited by law.


The Friends of Lake Sonoma relies on strong partnerships with key govenmental agencies and businesses, including:

United States Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District

Sonoma Water

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Sonoma County Tourism

Back Country Horsemen of California -- North Bay Chapter

Sonoma County Parks Department

Sonoma County Bowmen

United Flyers of Sonoma County

Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley




Contact Us